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I think it would be more professional to make up your mind if you want to provide a news item or an opinion piece.

Commentaries can be interesting "food for furry thought" if they are well written, but first posting a piece of news, and then just putting "The jury got it all wrong" under it - without any evidence to proove the point, that's neither interesting nor does it make any sense.

And another thing that makes me wonder is, if you think that anthropomorphism is the wrong way to convey sympathy for an animal species ... why are you even here?

I sense that typical furry self-deprecation syndrome that plagues the fandom so badly in the last years.

Well, at the end of the day, you are of course entitled to your opinion. But could you please put it in a separate article the next time? Your opinion is not news. If you want to elaborate on it, make it a proper op-ed article, and it might be worth taken seriously.


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