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They'll probably keep saying they are and that that is their top priority. It's probably more a talking point to the cub artists then anything who have been shut out of a lot of websites then it is an actual overall expression. Because the arguments you have made to inkbunny here have been made by cubs to FA, Fchan, and pretty much the entirety of the fandom. When Inkbunny was first made and people pointed out that it was run by a bunch of cubs I pretty much said: "Well can you blame them? The writing is pretty much on the wall that they're going to be removed from a lot of mainstream furry sites." And not even a year later they were removed from FA.

So when they say that phrase, that phrase I think was meant for them than "in general". To me it seems a rhetorical phrase to more demean the other websites for shutting down cub furs then a welcoming statement.

All sites do say things for PR purposes that aren't entirely true, like FA saying "We're working on updates."


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