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I'd expect the 'top priorities' that are openly stated in a mission statement to be the ones that actually matter and take priority.

Apparently the ones that actually drive site policy aren't the ones that get openly stated, thus this misunderstanding when an apparently simple explanation dealing with bestiality and concerns about being mistaken for child pornography being added to the ACP would clear that up.

In fact, just a list somewhere that says, 'In regards to this and this kind of content, we can't have both, so because of this reason and that reason, we are only going to have this kind.' But there isn't one, and the only time I've had anyone openly tell me about it is on Flayrah.

And sure. Advocating my right to freedom of artistic expression is, at this stage, hardly any fun. In fact, I feel like I've been met with just a little hate and intolerance, given that I've been told what dirty bestiality I write.

But no, I suppose the well is dry at this stage.


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