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No. It's not "half and half" so much as "humans are in a class by themselves, anything else counts as animals". Humans have made laws focussed on humans.

If an ape and a wolf have sex, it's not bestiality under the law, despite the fact that an ape is somewhat anthropomorphic. If a human has sex with either, it is.

As I said days ago, Omaha has no human characters; plushies aren't animals.

Stories about trees are fine, you just can't have sex with them because the puritanical sapling lobby make certifying them a nightmare. Is that so hard to understand?

Freedom of expression is a top priority at Inkbunny. It is something we care strongly about. But not going to jail is probably the top one, and "having rules that are consistently-implemented and easy to for users to comply with" is pretty high up there, too. Like all mission statements, it is tempered with reality.

I'm not sure what you want at this point, other than to complain that Inkbunny does not always live up to its ideals. At this point, I'm going to take advice from the last line of the Inkbunny Philosophy:

If it stops being fun then it's time to turn off the computer and do something else worthwhile.

You might consider doing the same.


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