There are worse things people do with their money. Such as political donations. If a politican's words aren't powerful enough to stand without a penny to their name then they shouldn't be in office. I think it should be the law that a president candidate can only use 1 million dollars in the duration of their campaign. If we want a leader who can run a country efficiently we will never get one as long as there is no spending limit, because they'll bring that "no spending limit" behavior into the house.
It is always the greatest of ironys to me is that those whom complain about the government taking too much of their money are those that give the most their money voluntarily to government/political organizations. If every penny spent on them were given as a payment for the American debt, there probably wouldn't be any at this point.
This isn't even the worse cause Kage backed. There was that whole 2 Gryphon Eurofrence debacle a few years back in the midst of probably the worst part of the recession where he was trying to get money raised so that 2 could go with him to Eurofrence after he had announced he couldn't go. Are Kage's charity's always a bit self serving and aimed at his friends? One could argue that, but these days I'm hard pressed to find someone who didn't promote causes because they were in some way self serving. You never see anyone promote a cause that's against their own interests.
That's why I don't see charity as an act of good these days unless it is done anonymously, otherwise it is at best an act of symbiosis. I mean there are furries who are donating to Fernando as much to stick it to the businesses that weren't so kind to them as it was for his kindness. Therefore it's a way for businesses around the world to take a signal about their treatment of us.
As far as Cookie there have been donations for furry organizations, and I would think a non-furry could ask "you know just because they're a furry they get 100 bucks from this KittylovesMonster place, that's kind of discriminatory my uncle has cancer where is my 100 bucks from this KittylovesMonster, they don't care about cancer, they just care about furries."
Personally I'm trying to pay my own debts first and people would say "that's self serving" not if I'm paying them early. Cause then I save money on something called "interest" which is just money being paid for absolutely no reason other then I can delay the inevitable money to be extracted out of my account over the course of several years. My goal is to be out of debt completely by 30 years of age. What this does is increase my income indirectly and when I have more money myself I can use more money to help others.
Debt is it's own cancer, it's one people get into voluntarily but it can take the wind out of one's life if not handled correctly. Back when I started college I didn't think about debt too much because I didn't have to make payments on it. But then you look at it and go... Well if I pay that 900 bucks that's left on my bill now as opposed to waiting 5 years I'll save 300 dollars because I'll end up paying 1200 at the end. That 300 dollars can buy quite a bit, even charity, even against another loan which will save you even more.
As far as Furnandos goes I would criticize that he did open up a second shop not too long ago, which probably was a cause of his debt issue he probably took a gamble on it being more profitable but apparently it wasn't, if I were him I would try to sell the local that is further from anthrocon at this point to cut the losses. There was a smaller grocery chain I worked at that also did a move like that which I was critical of because they did it in a city that already had a walmart super center and they did so after just getting out of chapter 11 bankruptcy. It wasn't to my surprise that after I had left they were no longer in business. In fact they had to sell that new store only 2 years after obtaining it. The worst part it wasn't a small business, so the people whose decision caused the mess still got paid millions before the business went south while those working for them had their wages slashed by the new incoming bosses.
In conclusion though, people spend money, they always will spend money. They'll always spend money on "stupid" things. However, it's their money to spend. The thing of the matter is, is that if the Fernando's charity wasn't happen would you be angry with the "hardly anything" gifts given to Cookie? Or would you see those gifts for what they are? It's is sort of insulting to those that donated to Cookie so far that you call their gifts "hardly anything". And trust me if Cookie's donation were the biggest thing going right now people would complain about how their friend's problems aren't getting as much attention either. It's monetary relativism. At the very least you could have provided a link to his charity donation site after finding it for the second time I notice the goal is now 5,000 it was 900 when it was first posted to my twitter feed.
Why was the goal $900 dollars you ask? Well here is your answer . Hmm... so furries actually SURPASSED that goal too? And you're trying to make us feel BAD about that? I say to you, good day.
There are worse things people do with their money. Such as political donations. If a politican's words aren't powerful enough to stand without a penny to their name then they shouldn't be in office. I think it should be the law that a president candidate can only use 1 million dollars in the duration of their campaign. If we want a leader who can run a country efficiently we will never get one as long as there is no spending limit, because they'll bring that "no spending limit" behavior into the house.
It is always the greatest of ironys to me is that those whom complain about the government taking too much of their money are those that give the most their money voluntarily to government/political organizations. If every penny spent on them were given as a payment for the American debt, there probably wouldn't be any at this point.
This isn't even the worse cause Kage backed. There was that whole 2 Gryphon Eurofrence debacle a few years back in the midst of probably the worst part of the recession where he was trying to get money raised so that 2 could go with him to Eurofrence after he had announced he couldn't go. Are Kage's charity's always a bit self serving and aimed at his friends? One could argue that, but these days I'm hard pressed to find someone who didn't promote causes because they were in some way self serving. You never see anyone promote a cause that's against their own interests.
That's why I don't see charity as an act of good these days unless it is done anonymously, otherwise it is at best an act of symbiosis. I mean there are furries who are donating to Fernando as much to stick it to the businesses that weren't so kind to them as it was for his kindness. Therefore it's a way for businesses around the world to take a signal about their treatment of us.
As far as Cookie there have been donations for furry organizations, and I would think a non-furry could ask "you know just because they're a furry they get 100 bucks from this KittylovesMonster place, that's kind of discriminatory my uncle has cancer where is my 100 bucks from this KittylovesMonster, they don't care about cancer, they just care about furries."
Personally I'm trying to pay my own debts first and people would say "that's self serving" not if I'm paying them early. Cause then I save money on something called "interest" which is just money being paid for absolutely no reason other then I can delay the inevitable money to be extracted out of my account over the course of several years. My goal is to be out of debt completely by 30 years of age. What this does is increase my income indirectly and when I have more money myself I can use more money to help others.
Debt is it's own cancer, it's one people get into voluntarily but it can take the wind out of one's life if not handled correctly. Back when I started college I didn't think about debt too much because I didn't have to make payments on it. But then you look at it and go... Well if I pay that 900 bucks that's left on my bill now as opposed to waiting 5 years I'll save 300 dollars because I'll end up paying 1200 at the end. That 300 dollars can buy quite a bit, even charity, even against another loan which will save you even more.
As far as Furnandos goes I would criticize that he did open up a second shop not too long ago, which probably was a cause of his debt issue he probably took a gamble on it being more profitable but apparently it wasn't, if I were him I would try to sell the local that is further from anthrocon at this point to cut the losses. There was a smaller grocery chain I worked at that also did a move like that which I was critical of because they did it in a city that already had a walmart super center and they did so after just getting out of chapter 11 bankruptcy. It wasn't to my surprise that after I had left they were no longer in business. In fact they had to sell that new store only 2 years after obtaining it. The worst part it wasn't a small business, so the people whose decision caused the mess still got paid millions before the business went south while those working for them had their wages slashed by the new incoming bosses.
In conclusion though, people spend money, they always will spend money. They'll always spend money on "stupid" things. However, it's their money to spend. The thing of the matter is, is that if the Fernando's charity wasn't happen would you be angry with the "hardly anything" gifts given to Cookie? Or would you see those gifts for what they are? It's is sort of insulting to those that donated to Cookie so far that you call their gifts "hardly anything". And trust me if Cookie's donation were the biggest thing going right now people would complain about how their friend's problems aren't getting as much attention either. It's monetary relativism. At the very least you could have provided a link to his charity donation site after finding it for the second time I notice the goal is now 5,000 it was 900 when it was first posted to my twitter feed.
Why was the goal $900 dollars you ask? Well here is your answer . Hmm... so furries actually SURPASSED that goal too? And you're trying to make us feel BAD about that? I say to you, good day.