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Okay, this is in reply too Rakuen's "There is no reason..." post just in case of further comment oddities.

Anyway, my problem with your argument is why is the audience automatically furries, and furries only (totally ignore this entire post if your point was "furries writing for themselves as individuals"*). There is no reason to think a non-furry wouldn't enjoy a well written furry piece, on its merits as a story, not as furry. In that case, if you want to expand your audience, you should throw them any ropes available, and giving some kind of reason (and not just a half-assed reason, either) for the change, either artistically (i.e. you are saying something that is better said with anthropomorphic characters) in story (some sci-fi or fantasy reason), or, my preference, both.

Seeing as how members of the furry fandom have printed out reams of cartoon fox art and yet still managed to overwhelmingly think Avatar was a better movie than Fantastic Mr. Fox, expanding your audience beyond the fandom is pretty much the only option if you really respect your work.

*It has been said that "high art" is art created by the artist for the artist, while "low art" is art created by the artist for an audience. I do not personally view either as superior to the other, but am personally a "low artist" myself; I always have an audience in mind. Starting out believing the audience for the artform is limited is, well, limiting for the artform; I always find it disturbing when furries say "well, it's just not for non-furries," because that shows a lack of faith in the artform.


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