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Vas ist das "biannual" & "biennial"? I don't know about the Oxford English Dictionary; the way that I learned it is that "semiannual" means twice a year and "biannual" means every two years. Biannual vs. biennial sounds like an excuse for confusion, no matter what the OED may say.

I feel guilty dissing poetry because I know that many people like it very much. There are poems that impress me considerably; "The Raven" by E. A. Poe, for one. But I don't understand the genre very well; anything more complex than "The Night Before Christmas" tends to feel pretentious to me. So when I am given seven poems to review, all that I can honestly say is that I enjoyed one of them and the other six left me cold. I am glad that volume 2 will have much less poetry.

Fred Patten


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