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The full episode (which may or may not also be here) doesn't have any more content about those who, according to Dr. Brule, "really want to be an animal". It does, however, feature numerous bizarre ads for Toad's [two-in-one] Corned Beef Hash and Creamed Chip Beef, as well as:

* A segement where Sean Roach of Education Through Nature terrorizes Dr. Brule with spiders, cockroaches ("Life's about having a good time and having candy, not about putting roaches in your hair!") and a "kissing" lizard
* A visit to a zoo, quickly terminated by an emergency price alert from Myer's Super Foods for the sponsored product
* An interview of a blind woman with a guide dog (Dr. Brule takes advantage by pretending he looks like "George Crooney")
* Dr. Brule with what appears to be a rabid dog, who he tries to use as an example of how easy it is to train a guide dog


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