Xydexx, why don't you simply make your own wiki about the furry fandom if you don't like the way GreenReaper runs his?
If you start your own, you can ban whoever you want. You can have whatever information you want, and remove any that you don't want.
The only warning I would give is to know that Encyclopedia Dramatica started on a similar basis. One could simply hope that on your path you do not become which you claim to despise (implying you haven't already).
Xydexx, why don't you simply make your own wiki about the furry fandom if you don't like the way GreenReaper runs his?
If you start your own, you can ban whoever you want. You can have whatever information you want, and remove any that you don't want.
The only warning I would give is to know that Encyclopedia Dramatica started on a similar basis. One could simply hope that on your path you do not become which you claim to despise (implying you haven't already).