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If there was any trolling behavior done by the party at hand, it was eclipsed by yours.

How exactly is helping the WikiFur admins by pointing out the party at hand's proven history of trolling (when the WikiFur admins themselves admit they don't know the details), and requesting assistance from said WikiFur admins to put a stop to it as they would any other attempt to add misinformation to the wiki considered "trolling behavior"? What sort of Wile E. Coyote strategy is it when a guy who runs a wiki doesn't like when people complain about trolls, so he takes the trolls side and allows misinformation to be incorporated into the wiki instead of, y'know, DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT? Really, how hard can it possibly be?

Sorry, I'm not buying into your little attempt to shift the blame. This was never about a content dispute or "manipulating the wiki" for my so-called agenda. (Seriously, is wanting WikiFur to be an accurate resource about Furry fandom really that threatening a concept these days that you brand any effort to do so as trolling? Wow. Just wow.)

Therefore, is it GreenReaper's fault for the results of the occurance, or your's?

I think the fact that GreenReaper let his personal grudge get in the way of running WikiFur as an encyclopedia about Furry fandom is entirely his responsibility.


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