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I think it's safe to say that anyone intentionally doing steps 1-4 as you described is guilty of inserting misinformation into WikiFur, and I'm pretty sure GreenReaper will agree with me.

Well, that's great if you think so, except that GreenReaper doesn't agree with you. Heck, reading your response to Fred Patten, even you don't agree with you.

Even though this was a clear instance of someone inserting misinformation into WikiFur, GreenReaper et al.—like you did below—decided to brand it as a "content dispute" when it was just someone disrupting the wiki with an argument that wasn't even related to Furry fandom. You treated it as two equally valid opinions that needed to reach a middle ground instead of someone who was trolling and someone who was familiar with the problems on the message board giving you evidence on a silver platter that someone was trolling.

The guy who was trolling admitted he was using a sockpuppet and claimed there was a worldwide conspiracy of KGB-funded inflatable-hating ninjas sneaking into his house late at night and damaging his inflatable collection, but he had no evidence because they're super sneaky like that... (he has since gone off the religious deep end and thinks the End Times are coming).

GreenReaper's argument for keeping the misinformation was that it was "interesting" even though it had nothing whatsoever to do with Furry fandom, and it was perfectly acceptable that there was no evidence to support the claims being made because if you believe it's true, that's good enough. Let's reiterate that for the folks who think Furry fandom's history is important: you can add any batshit nonsense you want to WikiFur, as long as you believe it's true.

The arguments against keeping the misinformation was that it had nothing whatsoever to do with Furry fandom, the guy was a known troll using WikiFur as a forum for his non-Furry arguments that had gotten him kicked off two message boards previously, and last but not least, it was complete and utter batshit lunacy.


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