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I will break down the process into the simplest form and maybe you someone suggest what to do about it:

1. Troll posts misinformation on a message board.
2. Troll adds misinformation to WikiFur.
3. When asked for evidence to support his message on the message board, troll cites WikiFur.
4. When asked for evidence to support his WikiFur edits, troll cites misinformation on the message board.
5. When people point out the troll has been kicked off two previous message boards for trolling, is using a sockpuppet account, and none of his evidence supports the claims he's making, the WikiFur admins lecture about assuming good faith and NPOV and how this is just a "content dispute" and people need to work with the troll for "consensus" and do everything in their power to allow the misinformation to remain on WikiFur.

I used to think as old saying goes "never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity", that GreenReaper was just clueless. But when you consider how often he feeds information to the anti-furry site Vivisector and how chummy he is with the Encyclopedia Dramatica crowd, it really makes you wonder if his actions might actually be deliberate. It's no wonder so many fans don't trust him anymore.


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