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I would call that a good photograph, and it is certainly a FurSuit! Who has older photos?

The Eaton Collection of Science-Fiction & Fantasy at the UCRiverside Library has complete runs of Fang, Claw & Steel, FurryPhile, FURthest North Crew, FurVersion, Mythagoras, North American Fur, PawPrints Fanzine, Rowrbrazzle, Yarf!, and other Furry magazines. It has Richard Chandler's Gallery only up to #33; it is missing #34 to #50. I cannot find any issues of FURtherance or Huzzah! listed, although there were a few in my collection when it was donated in 2005. (Maybe they haven't been catalogued yet.) I think that the Collection is weak on Furry convention books, and anything FurSuit-related.

Fred Patten


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