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I managed to find the earliest photo I took at a furry convention - which turns out to not have been too early, at CF7. I remember a couple of costumes from the stage presentation (overall meh), but this one as far as I know only wandered into the lobby, and I never saw it again - maybe it was on the fragile side. It's too bad, because it was one of the more realistic-style costumes at the time (pretty rare) - walked digitigrade, and was the best-looking werewolf(?) costume I'd ever seen without looking monstrous or grotesque, like the Verdun stuff. I'm not sure who was wearing this, but I'm guessing Lance Ikegawa. (Image link.) Sorry about the graininess, I had a really crappy camera. The glowing eyes were an unexpected effect from the flash.

I donated most of my old furry stuff to the Anthrocon charity raffle last year. I didn't attend the convention myself, so some friends of mine dropped off my box of stuff for me. Sadly the contents didn't get separated out, which was a disappointment, because I doubt everything in there would have interested a single buyer. I think it raised $54(?), whereas if it had been separated, the items would've raised more money. On the other hand, the Toonseum had donated so much stuff - judging from the con photos, there was limited table space for raffle items! Anyway, whoever got my box ended up with two English Blacksad books, the full run of Fang, Claw & Steel, a good chunk of Yarf! issues, over a dozen convention books, and miscellaneous zines (Furtherance and Centaurs Gatherum), plus other things I've probably forgotten.


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