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In the 1939 photo, Forry Ackerman is specifically dressed as John Cabal (Raymond Massey) in the 1936 s-f feature "Things to Come" (which was my Very Favorite Movie for decades).

My "A Chronology of Furry Fandom", published in Yarf! #46 in January 1997, was posted online by Yarf! for over ten years even though the final issue of Yarf! was in September 2003. It was just taken down earlier this year. I have given Cubist permission to reprint it in "Anthro" with illustrations and additions, but he has been busy moving to a new house (he had to be out of his old house by April 1) and it has been delayed. The new printing will include some dates like Ed Zolna's creation of Mailbox Books, and the first use of the word "FurSuit".

Fred Patten


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