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October 18. Ted is still setting new records. Hotel Transylvania isn't doing badly, either. This report is from Box Office Mojo.

"Ted grossed $14.4 million in 43 markets this weekend for a new foreign total of $251 million. That makes it Universal Pictures International's number one movie this year ahead of Snow White and the Huntsman ($241.3 million) and Battleship ($237.6 million), both of which are big budget, effects-driven movies that had guaranteed overseas appeal.

Worldwide, Ted has now earned $469 million, which makes it the highest-grossing original R-rated comedy ahead of the first Hangover's $467.5 million. With openings in Malaysia, India, Venezuela and Japan on the way, Ted will ultimately wind up above $500 million.

Hotel Transylvania had its best foreign weekend yet with $14.1 million. It bounced to $4.3 million in Brazil thanks in part to a national holiday there on Friday, and it also had a fine $2.8 million debut in the U.K. To date, the Sony Pictures Animation movie has earned $49.6 million in foreign markets."

Fred Patten


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