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The concept is with good intentions, but I can't help but feel having a more specialized awarding program dedicated towards anthropomorphic writing is essentially going to bring about a similar issue with furry art sites in general. Essentially, it's like presenting the same thing with nearly the same procedures and catalysts.

I mean I frankly can't deny that I dislike over-centralization, but I also can't help but ask in this instance why can't there just be one awards program for the anthropomorphic arts, and one good art site? Sure, there's thousands and thousands of furs out there, but it just feels like we're stunting our own growth by over-saturating in certain areas like this.

In any case, it's not like there's THAT many award ceremonies for furry arts, but this does bring to light we as a fandom seem to have a slight habit of diluting ourselves a tiny bit. There again, we're a big mess as a community (which makes it kind of fun in it's own odd way) and practically have been from the start, and it's worked marginally well so far. Though I won't faulter on my standing that having Furaffinity, Inkbunny, Sofurry and Furocity, not to mention several image boards that vary very little other than by base design, is a bit much.


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