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If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were just waiting to throw that cute little muse of yours out there. You just had to let the dogs out. I actually kind of laughed, really.

But really, either way you go there, I find either of the two to be rather soul sucking and a big mess not worth getting into in the end. Not because of the challenges and very low public acceptability of one, and the ridiculous non-disputable authoritative foundation of another. Either activity makes no logical sense and is the pain in the ass to try and defend or understand. Kinda sad you picked one over the other, though. There's also "none of the above" you know. :P

But I guess that doesn't sound as fun and sassy as what you said, huh? And I think you think more about dogfucking (even if it's in a good old healthy hateful manner) than Rakuen or anyone else who dares to question the questionability of such a strange act. But really... You're STILL bringing that up? Wasn't that like... 2 months ago or something?

Let it fucking die already.


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