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I know this is all old news, but really...

"Failure to question accepted views will lead to stagnation and prevent the shedding of poor ideas."

But just like in space, on the internet, no one can hear you scream, even if it makes perfect damned sense.

I'm sorry to say most people treat you like a pariah based on your more acedemic and questioning approach to issues that are controversial but ambigious. God forbid, you know, someone has the balls to think outside of the box and get their hands dirty in a mess of taboo subject matter AND question the issue on various angles.

I hate to say it, but it looks like the majority of what you preach and question only further strengthens the larger portion of the site readers/participants dogmatic, narrow-minded beliefs. On the other hand, just know you got one person here at least that appreciates your intellect.


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