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To an extent, they already do. In part this is a factor of where they are based; each area has its unique nature.

For example, Califur's Cabaret Fur Le Dance - previously a feature of ConFurence - represents a certain tone that would not be felt at, say, Anthrocon (I understand Mephit Furmeet is somewhat similar). As we have seen recently, some conventions restrict certain purchases that others allow; this is not a new situation either.

As the number of furry conventions grow, we are seeing market segregation, conscious or otherwise. This is probably a good thing; forcing everyone under one roof is a recipe for drama (c.f., and no one event can exercise veto power over the fandom. (It remains to be seen whether inter-convention organizations like the Ursa Majors and the FCLR will wield similar power.)

The same could be set for websites. Inkbunny has some content that FA will not (now) touch, and vice versa. dA restricts even more.


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