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Early last year I would have said deviantART, but I've since become disillusioned with the community, and since my favorite group on the site (Unique Equines) has recently become absolutely flooded with MLP:FIM fanart I tend to stay away from it.

I chose FurAffinity because the upload process is simple, it has more users (and thus more uploads per minute) and I enjoy the community. Even the morons on that site are interesting.

Can't say anything for InkBunny, although I haven't heard the nicest things about its content.

I do not have accounts on Nabyn or Pixiv (although I'll doubtless register one on both sites at some point simply to reserve my username).

I use SoFurry mostly for roleplaying, but with the new layout I might use it more for art. I did dink around on it for a little bit and it seemed cool, but I didn't do much because I was busy uploading more Scrubs avatars--why can I only upload one avatar at a time? I'm on the internet--I demand my impatience to be appeased!


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