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I noticed a few things myself that were to say, "glitchy". All in all, as a project in process, I see a good deal of potential. My only hope is that Toumal and company are as likely to listen to suggestion later by the user-base as he was in the interview. If so, I foresee SoFurry being infinitely improved.

As for the high defect rate, they're mostly small bugs, and even many larger sites, pieces of software, and games have an issue with bugs early on. Some people argue it's an issue of releasing the subject matter in question too early in order to meet some sort of deadline, while others defending the bugs often found in new media to allow the public user the ability to put a piece of themselves in the work. Take Minecraft for example, which now often has pre-releases that were formerly dubbed as "leaks" (though intentional really) before their actual release. It gives the community a chance to help the developer debug and perhaps even add an element the developer didn't fully consider before.

Either way, SoFur is worthy of being checked out again if someone reading this hasn't, regardless if you've been there in the past or not. Things are looking good so far!


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