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That's what I've been saying all last year; though the "sexier" movie would be Puss in Boots, to go back a comment to dronon, I guess.

The thing with Rango is it's becoming more well know; the Oscar win may not only win awareness, but also make the common denominator "pretension." Hey, they might not understand the movie or even like it, but it won the Oscar, dude! That means, it's like, important or something, right?

Perhaps Fantastic Mr. Fox would have done better if it had actually won the animated Oscar, or gotten a Best Picture nom (and it did have some buzz. Not a lot, but some.). Furries still would have not liked or understood it, but they might've voted it for it because they felt they were supposed to vote for it. Also, anyone voting for Avatar could have pointed to its Best Picture nomination (and very near win) as proof that it really was an "important" movie. Essentially, I'm using the freaking Oscars as a precursor predictor award for the Ursa Majors!

The third factor is, well, me. I've essentially gone to bat for Rango, both incidentally in this article series, and explicitly in my top ten list; no movie has ever had anything like this (essentially, a furry "critic" pushing a movie on the voters, like, say The Social Network was pushed by critics for the Oscar last year) in the furry fandom before. I really am the X-factor in my own calculations, and am honestly in a not very good position to judge what effect I will ultimately have, if any (as The Social Network ultimately proved, the Oscar voters eventually ignored the critics).

That being said, I also pushed Kung Fu Panda 2 hard all year, and gave weaker-with-the-groundlings anthropomorphic movies Winnie the Pooh and The Muppets spots on my top ten list with the Ursas in mind (I don't think Puss in Boots really needed the help); especially The Muppets, which, from the comments on my review, I got the impression that it was a movie furries didn't dislike, so much, as one they didn't care about.

I read a piece by an Oscar pundit, not exactly bemoaning The King's Speech getting Best Picture, (as he was on the record he didn't really like The Social Network either), but pointing out that it was a case of Oscar pundits getting exactly what they wished for; Oscar voters voting with their hearts, instead of studio politics or critical sway or whatever. Unfortunately, Oscar voters hearts are, well, kind of dumb. And evidence suggests furry voters vote with organs even farther south.

That being said, if furries do go with the southern organ voting method, I mean, the lowest common denominator here is Puss in Boots, not Kung Fu Panda 2. Remember, Ursa Major voters chose Bolt over the original. Can you even remember Bolt? I remember thinking, at the trailer, "Oh, a dog superhero movie, that sounds fun, er ... no, it's a Galaxy Quest/Three Amigos/The Man Who Knew Too Little type comedy with a dog who thinks he's a superhero, now that really sounds fun!" And then I watched the movie and it was that for like five minutes, surprise twist movie change again, it turned out to be a remake of the remake of The Incredible Journey with the old dog replaced by an annoying hamster. So, yeah, that wasn't as off the rails crazy as not-furry-movie over furry-foxes, but still a little weird.

That being said, it'll be hard to piss me off this year. I mean, I'll be disappointed if Rio wins (but who's expecting that to happen, anyway?), because it just wasn't my movie, and Bitter Lake either has an unfair advantage or an unfair disadvantage being the fan film in the mix, I'm not sure which, but nothing will actually manage to make me mad.

So, probably Cars 2 will win, then.


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