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I might add that it's always exasperating when I hear some fur say, "Such-and-such was great; it's one of the best things I read/saw/played this year," or if it's a serial like a comic strip, "It's one of my favorites; I always read it!"; but they NEVER BOTHER TO RECOMMEND IT! It's almost as bad when people wait until the last minute before the Recommended List closes to send in a list of what they liked -- especially as, since practically everything worthwhile has been recommended by someone else by then, last-minute recommendations tend to be of obscure items that are hard to track down. Please, people, the Recommended Anthropomorphics List is there for all our benefit, including yours. Take advantage of it. Let us know what you find that's worth a look, while it's fresh and available; and take a look at the List every now and then to see what's new that you may be missing.

Fred Patten


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