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Ok, dronon, you can rest assured Savatore 1 and 2 will be on the list when today's update gets there - I just finished adding them and everything else that came in today. I'm not mailing the update until tomorrow, in case something shows up at the very last minute. Rather a lot of things did arrive today, including a few I should have thought to nominate myself. Which brings me to...

People - the purpose of the List is to tell people about recent furry items you think other furries would like to read/see/whatever. This works best when you send in the recommendation as soon as you can after discovering it. Sending me a long list at the last minute does indeed get things into the List but anything published in January may not be quite so available in December. Yes, it also helps the reader in finding what they might want to nominate for the Ursa Majors, but that is secondary, and even then it still helps the chances OF that item if it's been there awhile and not just turned up at the last minute.

I'd also like some help - there's a note in the text on the top of the List page explaining what the list is for and how it is not a pre-nomination list for the Ursa Majors. As usual, I got a few folks this year unclear on the concept. So could people go look at the List, check out the paragraph in question, and let me know what, if anything, is unclear? This kitty would much appreciate this. :)

As always, thanks for the feedback!


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