Two years ago, I passed through Taos, New Mexico, while on a road trip with family; traffic was stopped outside of the town by Royal Gorge (now you know why it really made my top ten moments list, even though it is also a funny, exciting scene) for no apparent reason. A highway patrolman directing traffic told us they were shooting a movie, "some comedy called Paul." I believed the patrolman that there was a movie, and even that it was a comedy (I mean, pretty good odds of that), but the entirely generic name Paul made it sound like the patrolman was just making things up, and not very good at that. At the very least, it had to be a working title.
One year later, out comes trailers for some comedy about an alien, that looks fun, it's those Hot Fuzz/Sean of the Dead guys, they're doing alien movies now ... wait, it's called Paul!
And then it ended up being an actually really good movie. So, that's my Paul story.
Two years ago, I passed through Taos, New Mexico, while on a road trip with family; traffic was stopped outside of the town by Royal Gorge (now you know why it really made my top ten moments list, even though it is also a funny, exciting scene) for no apparent reason. A highway patrolman directing traffic told us they were shooting a movie, "some comedy called Paul." I believed the patrolman that there was a movie, and even that it was a comedy (I mean, pretty good odds of that), but the entirely generic name Paul made it sound like the patrolman was just making things up, and not very good at that. At the very least, it had to be a working title.
One year later, out comes trailers for some comedy about an alien, that looks fun, it's those Hot Fuzz/Sean of the Dead guys, they're doing alien movies now ... wait, it's called Paul!
And then it ended up being an actually really good movie. So, that's my Paul story.