To me, it is more of a reading issue. People tend to scan the first part of a paragraph, then skip it if they're not getting anything from it. This may cause them to miss useful information.
On occasion, I simply wish to make the paragraph break in a more attractive manner. I try to be sensible; there are places where a break would makes no sense.
I wouldn't expect you to be used to doing this if you've not been responsible for editing a publication (especially a web publication, where readers are especially impatient).
To me, it is more of a reading issue. People tend to scan the first part of a paragraph, then skip it if they're not getting anything from it. This may cause them to miss useful information.
On occasion, I simply wish to make the paragraph break in a more attractive manner. I try to be sensible; there are places where a break would makes no sense.
I wouldn't expect you to be used to doing this if you've not been responsible for editing a publication (especially a web publication, where readers are especially impatient).