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Furnal Equinox releases December 2011 newsletter

Edited by GreenReaper
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Just in time for Christmas, Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its December 2011 newsletter.

A convention-sponsored Christmas potluck took place December 17, attracting more than 75 attendees and raising over $500 for the convention's charity, the Mississauga Humane Society. Early bird pre-registrations closed November 30; dealers tables are now sold out. The con also continues to search for conbook submissions, volunteers, panelists and DJs.

Conbook Submissions
We're still looking for artwork and stories for our conbook. But start creating soon -- deadline is February 15!

The Hunt Is On
We need people to help make FE a success -- DJs, panelists and volunteers. Find out how to get involved!

Dealers Den Sold Out
Our Dealers Den has run out of tables! Find out how to get on the waitlist.

Charity Auction Donations
It's the time of year for generosity -- please consider donating to help support assisted by the Mississauga Humane Society.

Christmas Potluck: Thank You!
Our Christmas event on December 17 was a great success! Find out what happened at the event.

Official Furnal Equinox updates can be obtained from FE's website and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.


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