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Even when someone knows it was just an accident and is remorseful, some people will still try to cover their asses and avoid further consequences. They should own up to their mistake if it was just an accident, as it is not like the massive mess there would be if they accidentally kill a human. But that is not how some people think about or handle such things.

I am not familiar enough with hunting to know how difficult it would be to kill two dogs like that without intending to. Although it seems like if they were shooting at anything with four legs in a wooded area in the evening, it doesn't seem that inconceivable to shoot two things at a distance and not realise they were dogs.

This isn't trying to absolve the hunters, as there is probably a good chance they were grade-A assholes in a situation like this. But it seems problematic how quickly people assume the worst given so little, because some poor dogs were at the centre of this mess and it pulls at the heartstrings. Could be quite dangerous if some people were like that in situations not as benign as internet comments.


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