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The best way to attack this kind of a problem is information, unfortunately factory farms do their damned best to make sure no one knows where their meat product goes. One doesn't necessarily have to go vegan to combat these kind of farms, if they're willing to pay the price for stuff made outside factory farms... and that is when you can find out which products come from those kind of farms.

Humans usually don't think about the products they buy too much in general, they tend to grab the first thing on the shelf. I don't buy eggs not because I'm a vegan, I just have no culunary skill, and if I did have to buy any my parents would have some for sale. I'd probably average a half gallon of milk on a biweekly basis. Once again, because I don't use it all that often.

Sadly with the government involvement in the farming industry I don't know if it's even possible to figure out exactly where your product came from, because in the end, as far as milk goes, they seem to all just come from the same place to the layman. Heck, there are some people in the city who believe that farming is something that doesn't exist in "modern society" no less then the product could come from different farms.

I think Scully's words are wise. Instead of people trying to tout their methods as the only or best methods of combating this and alienating others who may not chose veganism, or lack thereof. Perhaps it'd be for the best to learn of all the possible ways to combat factory farming that would work for those of many different lifestyles and tastes and perhaps we'd be able to overcome this issue.


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