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I also saw the video and wish I hadn't. It was one of those "eww this is awful go watch" things, and I did... *sigh i'm such a rubber-necker* Anyway, the fellow who runs the site makes a good point.

If someone posted a video of a cow or a pig being slaughtered, would they be brought up under animal cruelty charges? Of course not. I wouldn't want to watch that either, but I seriously doubt that there would have been as much of an uproar over it. The cat was not tortured - it was killed quickly and with as much care as a hunter does when killing a bird that they winged. That part of the video takes about 2 seconds - the whole rest of the video is footage of the cat being skinned and grilled. At that point it's indistinguishable from a rabbit or some other small animal that people eat. If the video had been of a rat getting killed and cooked, it would have just been gross and not "outrageous." If it had been a pig... Well, that would have just been one step down from what was shown on Survivor last season. But no - it was a cat. (And I'll be damned if that's a kitten - it was about the size of my 5-yr old cat.) In some countries, people eat cats and dogs. That's a fact. In some countries, people wouldn't dream of killing and eating a cow. That's also a fact. But does that stop us from going to McDonalds?

This is just another case of the radical animal "protection" groups' using the cuteness factor to get people to sympathize with their agenda.

Excuse me. I need to go buy steaks for dinner.


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