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Furnal Equinox releases November 2011 newsletter

Edited by GreenReaper as of 17:16
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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its November 2011 newsletter.

Early bird registration and submissions for the Infurnally Yours Video Competition close on November 30. The convention also seeks conbook submissions, panelists and volunteers.

Early Bird Ends This Month
Want to take advantage of our lowest membership rates? Preregister before November 30 (only two weeks away!)

Video Competition Wrapping Up
FE's first annual video contest is almost over. Make sure to send in your entries before November 30 (also only two weeks away!) to win an FE 2012 sponsor membership!

Christmas Potluck Meet
Get your caroling voice ready... we're hosting a Christmas party, including potluck and gift giving, on December 17th!

Conbook Submissions Open
Submissions are now open for the FE 2012 conbook! Find out more about our theme and when to get your art and writing to us!

Dealers Den Almost Full
We're running really short on tables, so don't delay in applying for one if you want to sell at the con.

Volunteers and Panelists
The search is on for panelists and volunteers at FE 2012. Find out how to get involved!

Official Furnal Equinox updates can be obtained from FE's website and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.


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