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So if Furocity is now in control by someone who's a greyhat, trying to make FA look bad, they inadvertently made Furocity look worse. Perhaps the hacker should return to Social Engineering 101, lest he do any more damage to people he cares about.

Making the assumption of course that he didn't want to make Gavin look bad because of the edit he made in the faux post as shown below once people started to point that out.

In fact, how could have a hacker gotten control of Furocity's domain and not FurAffinity's? What's that say about the security of one over the other?

Either way, if it was a hacker or not, it still doesn't bode well for Gavin, and I would still suggest people who posted their work find other places to place their eggs if they only placed it in Furocity.


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