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"I had the thought of reprogramming Furaffinity itself to redirect here, but unfortunately, 'Neer didn't give me co-ownership over the domain itself, despite Dax having co-ownership over it-- That and, it wouldn't have been terribly professional to do in the first place."

The irony of that sentence is that it shows that Dragoneer was justified in that decision. Truely this coder is very borderline black hat, and CERTAINLY grey hat. I'm certain SoFurry would not appreciate their name besmirched by having some rouge coder redirect Furaffinity to their site. A lot of furries who use FurAffinity for their commissions would not appreciate having their businesses effected, and would probably think that SoFurry was involved in the sabotage somehow.

Calling such an act "unprofessional" is an understatement, more like "cannibalistic" or "neanderthal-ian" would probably be more accurate.

UPDATE: The quote that I placed in this comment was since redacted, you can see the post with the quote here:


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