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Normally, I try not to comment here on FA issues; I am, admittedly, very biased.

In this case, I decide to make an exception. The 'doxing' was done haphazardly, using Google and DNS/Hostname lookup tools. Further, a lot of information in said documents was just plain incorrect. In *my* case, an address I haven't lived at for a year, missing a few sites I run, and my publicly posted phone number. Some admins even had incorrect names listed.

In this situation, there was *no* security breach on FA's part. There is no basis in any claim of such for this, at all. None, zilch, zip, nada. All the information gathered there is nothing that spending time to extract from Google wouldn't show.

The other complaints can be argued. I, obviously, feel differently than the former admins on the issues they've brought up (especially the accusation of being lazy). In the end, though, any information on any admin posted in said dox did not come from private FA data.


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