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The makers of 'The Lion King', on the other hand, animated, composed and cut every single shot in the film without any foreknowledge of its eventual 3D re-release. Simply put: The movie was made for 2D.

And the makers of 'The Lion King 3D' composed the depth element in every shot with the foreknowledge of its 3D re-release.

Like just about anything else, they can do a good job or a crappy job, i.e. it either blends in naturally with original film or it clashes and changes the character of it.

D'oh -- if 3D isn't adding anything significant to 'The Lion King' then I'm not missing anything by not seeing it in 3D, am I?!

Besides the people who might like the 3D aspect to some degree, you would be missing out on another chance to see it on the big screen (although some places have a few 2D showings). I would expect that to be a pretty big deal for you, as this must be very important film to you for you to be so concerned about its purity regardless of the quality or impact of the changes, otherwise it would just be a bunch of pointless whining.


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