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Winning the box office battle in September isn't really that impressive; it's a dump month, when the studios run the stuff they don't have much faith in to sell, plus some Oscar bait that can look better for having a "number 1 at the box office" release.

Oh, and if you're still not sold that September's a dump month, do you remember what month Alpha and Omega was released?


Seriously, this is a real phenomenon, and probably the reason why The Lion King Blu-Ray has the odd early October release; put out The Lion King for two weeks in September, and everybody will go to it because what the heck else are they going to watch? Then, its on everybody's mind for the release.

Yeah, it's a cynical money grab, but if it gets The Lion King in the theaters, thank God for cynical money grabs.

As far as the 3D is concerned, I don't think it added or subtracted anything. I've never seen The Creature from the Black Lagoon in 3D; it being the first underwater 3D movie was a major selling point. Its a movie that has a special place in my heart, for almost the exact same reason The Lion King does; I saw it as a kid, and I've loved its genre ever since. Apparently, though, I never really watched The Creature from the Black Lagoon at all.

Yeah, recolorizing Schindler's List or adding dialogue to Nosferatu would be changing the movie, but come on, 3D is just 3D. It's like saying not only did I not go to The Lion King because of the 3D, I also wouldn't have added butter to my popcorn because it would no longer be popcorn.

You guys missed out on a hell of a show because of 3D.



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