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Animal themed clothing doesn't necessarily imply being furry. A few years back, around here, wearing tails was "in" amongst the raver crowd. I guarantee that most of them would never have heard the term "furry" before, and I seriously doubt that they'd be wearing animal-themed costume parts for "furry" reasons*.

(*To clarify, from what I've seen, most furries/furry fans like animal-themed clothing/costume parts/art/literature because they identify, casually or otherwise, with one or more types of animal, and consider costuming/animal shirts/etc. a form of self-expression (in addition to liking them for aesthetic reasons).)

Likewise, I've noticed raccoon-hats and similar becoming popular over the last few years, and otters appear to be the new kittens on greeting cards. I wouldn't read too much into it. Most people buy this sort of thing because they think it's cute, not because they're latent furries.


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