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Furry seems to have two definitions as an adjective, beyond the dictionary one: being of or related to the furry fandom, and being related to anthropomorphic animals (alternatively, something subject of the defining interest of the fandom). Something like Watership Down or Omaha fall under the second definition given. Previously I was talking about the first definition (and tried to use the word fandom a lot to make it more clear), as you seemed to be discussing in terms of the fandom producing something.

There are probably some nebulous qualities someone from the fandom could add to a work that give it a flavour of the fandom. That is the portion that would fade or go unnoticed by a broader audience. It could still be about anthropomorphic animals and related themes. But for the most part would probably be appreciated by a general audience not quite the same reasons as furries would. And since it would be something that could have been produced by a nonfur or not, how much can the fandom claim it? To me it seems harder to view it as a proud product of the fandom when it is more a matter of being lucky that a skilled creator happened to be in the fandom.

I only just now have thought of an avenue for an outward directed work to be characteristically of furry fandoml, in my view at least. It would have to be some sort of collaboration that takes advantage of the networking and community, more than just a circle of friends plus a person or two. The point being for furry fandom to be more than just a footnote to work. I'm not sure where something like Bitter Lake would fall, as it would probably have to be on a wholly different level in size and production (I randomly thinking of something like the Blender community productions). I still don't think achieving that would be a matter of the fandom succeeding or failing though. Such a work would be limited in who could be involved too, as only specific kinds of works can be made in such a way, and would involve a small subset of the skills represented across the fandom. At some point how there might be a trade-off of how inclusive you can be of the community and the quality of the work, as the community is only so large and we have only so many people with the appropriate skills, and it may kind of end back up circle of friends level.


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