I think we're both being too black-and-white in our terms, here.
There is a difference between where we are and where we could be. It's not about conquering the world. It's about expanding a bit. Basically, furry should have its fifteen minutes of fame, just like everyone else.
I think I'll use the Bitter Lake example; yeah, it was a long shot that it would ever actually get any type of distribution to movie rental services, and theatrical release is right out. But if you're going to take the to time make a movie, and by all accounts make it well, I find it a little odd nobody involved in the production even tried.
That's what bothers me. What you're saying is actually perfectly logical, it makes sense, and it is fairly realistic. But it just feels wrong. More like its so convincing because you're convincing yourself, I think. And it's a double con; proving first, it can't be done, then second, this is normal.
We both have made fairly baseless claims as to what is normal for a fandom. To make another one, Trekkers have been annoying their friends by blithering on about their show for generations, now. Same with any other fandom, down to music. I know a fan of the band Rush that can be very irritating about his devotion to Neil Peart, but guess who has an Ipod full of Rush songs now?
You're logic is fine. Furry's success is not guaranteed, and you bring up valid reasons why it may never succeed. But you can't win the lottery if you never play it.
I'm coming to realize the problem here is fear of rejection; you've argued yourself into a corner. You've proven to yourself that it is impossible, so there is no need to try. Furthermore, you've proven to yourself that you've already gotten everything you wanted, so you don't even need to try.
You know, there's a reason I put my name, my real name, next to my articles, while you can't even be bothered to put your fake furry name next to your comments.
I think we're both being too black-and-white in our terms, here.
There is a difference between where we are and where we could be. It's not about conquering the world. It's about expanding a bit. Basically, furry should have its fifteen minutes of fame, just like everyone else.
I think I'll use the Bitter Lake example; yeah, it was a long shot that it would ever actually get any type of distribution to movie rental services, and theatrical release is right out. But if you're going to take the to time make a movie, and by all accounts make it well, I find it a little odd nobody involved in the production even tried.
That's what bothers me. What you're saying is actually perfectly logical, it makes sense, and it is fairly realistic. But it just feels wrong. More like its so convincing because you're convincing yourself, I think. And it's a double con; proving first, it can't be done, then second, this is normal.
We both have made fairly baseless claims as to what is normal for a fandom. To make another one, Trekkers have been annoying their friends by blithering on about their show for generations, now. Same with any other fandom, down to music. I know a fan of the band Rush that can be very irritating about his devotion to Neil Peart, but guess who has an Ipod full of Rush songs now?
You're logic is fine. Furry's success is not guaranteed, and you bring up valid reasons why it may never succeed. But you can't win the lottery if you never play it.
I'm coming to realize the problem here is fear of rejection; you've argued yourself into a corner. You've proven to yourself that it is impossible, so there is no need to try. Furthermore, you've proven to yourself that you've already gotten everything you wanted, so you don't even need to try.
You know, there's a reason I put my name, my real name, next to my articles, while you can't even be bothered to put your fake furry name next to your comments.