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I mentioned making it know to prospective members not in the name of making the fandom larger, but because it could be beneficial to the those with similar interests. Many people have discussed how they found out about the fandom by accident, years after developing the interests, and it might have been nicer if they found it quicker.

I don't see why the strong drive to give something to the world in the form of furry art or to influence outside creations (short of the desire for more stuff for furries to consume). If some story/game/film would work better with anthro animals and be enjoyed as such by a broad audience, then doing so would simply be part of good storytelling. Going out of their way to specially appeal to furries would only be of benefit for furries, otherwise it would have been done for the sake of the larger group it benefits and not just furries.

And there are quite a few furries that try to leave positive influence on the world from the fandom. But instead of saying, "Let's give the world what we like, it will be good for them," the more practical minded ask what the non-furs actually want first. So instead of art do things more like charity work, with the furry element, like fursuits, just being a means to that end.

Otherwise, this reminds me of those husbands that give their wife a tool as a present that she doesn't want, just so the husband can use it.

And what shows? Seriously, I got a Netflix account and time to waste. Quotes if you feel up to it.

I remember the Futurama commentary discusses if some guy who liked to dress up as Bender was like a furry. I don't remember others at the moment since it has been a few years since I've watched DVDs with commentary.


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