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Or that there is a massive number of fans that are outside of and don't closely identify with that fandom.

Oh, you nailed it! This is a good thing.

But this isn't.

Beyond making sure perspective members know of the fandom

This is not about a recruitment drive; we need that "periphery fandom." That's what I'd like to see; a group of people who are aware of furry and enjoy it, but don't necessarily see the need to "sign up." There needs to be the core, but there also needs to be the group of people who are not against it. To a certain extent, it seems like the furry mindset is you're either for us or against us; allowing people outside the fandom to enjoy the product without expecting them to sign up is not an unreasonable request.

This is where I'm struggling with the average furry's mindset; growth of the fandom is not an end in and of itself, which it apparently is for every furry who isn't me.

Let me painstakingly clear. The only reason I would give a crap at all if the fandom got larger is that it might convince the corporate bigwigs to invest in the product, which is furry art, because a larger audience means more money for them. More investment from them means more product for me, not to mention more opportunity for me or other furry artists to actually make a respectable living via their art.

Yes, the product they give out would probably be watered down, but right now the furry fandom is publishing comics about completely non-anthropomorphic dragons raping completely non-anthropomorphic horses and expecting people to pay real money for them, so this might be a case where a little watering down is not necessarily a bad thing. "Respectable" is the key word here.

Also, I brought up the "quintessential" fandom because it is "quintessential;" I don't know about you, but I'd rather aim for "quintessential" fandom over the "kinda shitty, actually" fandom, which, if the rest of the fandoms get any vote on the subject, that's our position on the chart.

And what shows? Seriously, I got a Netflix account and time to waste. Quotes if you feel up to it.


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