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Might not help that you are comparing furries to a fandom that already had conventions of several thousand attendees in the 70s, with now conventions ten times the size of furry cons, and some that meet multiple times during the same year from demand and limits on the size of conventions. Or that you are comparing to what to many was considered the quintessential fandom. Or that there is a massive number of fans that are outside of and don't closely identify with that fandom.

I've heard furries get mentioned in a few places of movie and TV show commentaries, so it seems at least some people in the industry are aware of them. It is more a matter they don't care, whether from lack of identity with them (unlike say the number of sci-fi nerds you can easy find working on some such movies) or don't think the group is large enough to matter for purposes of direct business or generating hype.

Beyond making sure perspective members know of the fandom, it shouldn't matter how large a fandom is. Some groups of people will have to deal with the fact the topic and strength of their interest is uncommon, and there just are not that many people who share it in that way.


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