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"but as late as the 80s, the music industry was in about the same place; Congress's list of the horrible, no good, rotten songs that are destroying out children included Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It", which included the horrible, horrible words, "We'll fight," and, uh, it referenced the movie Animal House, I guess. Seriously, five minutes on FurAffinity with the wrong Congressman, you can kiss that site goodbye."

Um, I know what "We're not gonna take it" have heard the song, and know that it's still around. So if you're going to use an example that "the end is nigh" you should probably show an example of something that has actually been banned.

I think furry has gone under the radar on the political end thankfully, and it's at that I'm thankful for deficits, because when the government is worried about money, they can't afford to "dictate morality". Think about it, is it any coincidence that Republicans are losing the battle they had a hold on for 50 years (against gays)? If being broke means people are more free, then I really am thankful we're broke.


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