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"The sheer amount of creativity gone to waste is staggering."

Are people familiar with the sad story of Henrietta Lacks, a woman who died of cancer in 1951? Doctors took samples of her tumor for research -- and sixty years on, decades after her death, those cancer cells are still alive, still growing, still dividing, in medical laboratories all over the world, to this day.

Indeed, it's been calculated that the total combined mass of all these Henrietta Lacks mini-tumors, grown and cultivated over the years, far outweighs the original body weight of humble Henrietta Lacks herself, like some mutated, montrous blob in a 50s monster movie!

All of which, I guess, is my way of saying that all these millions of words of Lion King pornography written over the years are the slash fiction equivalent of poor Henrietta's horrible tumor, still growing, still metastasising, to this day...


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