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Yeah. Gonna have to agree with Sonious on this one; that was a good administrative decision.

Shut the fuck up.

No, you didn't harass anyone. They were being euphemistic when they said "harass." Harass, in this case, means "being a fucking deuchebag."

Equivamp, when I say this, I'm not censoring you, because I have no actual power to make you do it, so it's only a suggestion, okay. What I'm trying to say is this. You have free speech, and you can say those things; what you fail to understand what you can say and should say are completely different things. You have a right to be a fucking deuchebag, protected under the constitution. But why in the hell would you want to be a fucking deuchebag?

You're still in high school, unless that's changed recently, but at the most you're a freshman in college in her first month, still taking the dorky arbitrary "welcome to college" course, so it's a bit forgiveable you haven't, well, grown up yet.


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