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You know there is a lot of misinformation about this whole thing when the Tech-Savvy user who found the VigLink code in the first place is telling people they're being too paranoid:

"The only things they could really do with any data they could possibly be collecting is coming up with regional statistics about how products are selling and website statistics for FA.

When I posted the thread, the main problem I had was that FA had installed something that generated revenue through the actions of users, without telling anyone, while transmitting data to a third party. It was strange, it was weird, it was something 99% of site administrators would tell their users about beforehand or at the very least right away, and most importantly, violated FA's ToS. There was also some minor disappointment, because I thought things like this would be handled better with the new staff.

Anyways, it's not like it's tracking all your Amazon purchases, just the ones that would be linked to on FA, which is probably only music and printed media anyways (I just don't see anyone on FA reviewing their toaster and linking to it in a journal)."



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