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Furnal Equinox opens 2012 registration

Edited by GreenReaper as of 21:43
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Preregistration has opened for Furnal Equinox 2012.

The third iteration of the convention, with the heaven-and-hell theme of Infurnally Yours, is scheduled to take place March 16-18, 2011 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Featured at the convention will be artist Guests of Honour Dark Natasha and Canadian Marci McAdam.

Furnal Equinox has been Canada's largest furry event by attendance ever since its founding two years ago, attracting over 450 attendees to the Doubletree Toronto Airport and raising over $4,000 for the Mississauga Humane Society in 2011.

Membership to the convention is only $35 CDN ($10 less than the at-the-door price). For an additional $30, sponsors will receive a T-shirt, plus access to the Wolf's Den hospitality suite. Early bird registration lasts until November 30. Hotel bookings and dealer applications are also open.

Official updates about Furnal Equinox can be obtained from Furnal Equinox's new website at and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.


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