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Well, would it be fair to vote for a movie nobody's seen?

I deleted a line in the article before submission saying it may end up a headache for the Ursa Majors either way. If Bitter Lake wins, people'll complain it was voted for by a lot of people who hadn't actually seen it. It it loses, it'll be a "snub." Probably a lot of the same people will be complaining either way.

I don't know, just seems to be something that should be said in comments, rather than in the actual article.

Actually, in researching this article, I've become a lot more forgiving of even the Avatar catastrophe two years ago, seeing as how disastrously the Academy has screwed up in the past. The big question with awards like this is whether they are worthwhile or worthless. To quote one of my favorite Best Pictures that has been a lot of Oscar critics favorite whipping boy, "I think it's a little bit of both, happening at the same time."

I think people get so hung up on who wins, they forget it really is an honor just to be nominated. Nine times out of ten, even if the Best Picture isn't really the best picture, it was at least nominated.

Speaking of which, in case the "August" didn't clue you in in the headline, I'm going to update my list monthly, and I'm kind of hoping for you guys to clear me up on that fifth slot, by, you know, posting your own guesses.




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