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Leafie doesn't look like it'll ever come to theatrically to America, so it's out for Oscars or Annies. Seriously though, that is some damn pretty animation. Unless there's a bigger furry presence in South Korea and China than I'm aware of, probably lucky somebody over here was paying attention and it got onto the "Recommended List," nevermind Ursa Majors.

The Legend of a Rabbit is such an obvious Kung Fu Panda rip-off it's not even funny; still it looks like an Alpha and Omega oh-crap-I'm-liking-this-stupid-thing-unironically movie for me. If the vaguely fox-looking thing in the trailer is actually a fox, I'm sold. It probably has a better chance of coming to America than Leafie, since it may be a pride thing for China.

I also totally forgot about the new Muppet movie; yet another possible fifth choice.


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